SERVICE AGREEMENT INNER CIRCLE ACADEMY This Service Agreement is entered into between Prominence Global Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “PG”) and (hereinafter referred to as “Client”)HiddenClient (PG) will provide Client access to the Inner Circle Academy Program The fees for the program are monthly payments of AUD $1,599 There is no requirement to invest in any paid advertising on LinkedIn in this program, all results are from organic engagement. The Inner Circle Academy Program consists of (but is not limited to): Full access to the training modules in the Solo program Full access to the group based coaching session Onboarding up to 6 x 1 to 1 sessions Ongoing monthly group-based LinkedIn strategy training sessions with Adam Ongoing monthly 1 to 1 Strategy session with your assigned success coach Weekly accountability check ins with your team Tasks outlined in Attachment A Monthly activity reports Access to the library of all previous recordings of the group strategy sessions Additional services as they become available should we deem them to be of value to you For the purposes of receiving the Inner Circle Academy Program, Client agrees to the following: Set up a free Trello account for the purpose of communication and document sharing Set up a free Zoom account for the purpose of participating in strategy sessions Maintain a Sales Navigator subscription on your LinkedIn account Remain in the program for a minimum term of 6-months, reverting to month to month thereafter Allow PG to debit the monthly payments via Stripe from your nominated credit card Assign a team member to the tasks outlined in Attachment A “Your Team Tasks” Client acknowledges the following with respect to the Inner Circle Academy Program: All fees are non-refundable once the program commences Client acknowledges that the Inner Circle Academy Program does not promise any sales since such responsibilities are in the hands of the Client not “PG”, this program is designed to position you as an authority in your field of expertise and leverage that authority to generate high-quality leads In the case of disputes that may arise. Any mediation will be handled in PG city of residence Brisbane, Australia I authorise monthly payments of AUD $1,599 commencing at receipt of this completed agreement from the following credit card. Name* Position Email* Attachment A As part of the Inner Circle Academy program PG will take care of some of the time-consuming engagement and connection building tasks on your behalf. Each month we aim to do the following for you. Send daily connection requests to your ideal clients via Sales Navigator Remove any unaccepted connection requests Send a warm and personalised “thanks for connecting message” to new connections Send Follow Up engagement messages after the “thanks for connecting message” based on the strategy we create Send a personalised Happy Birthday message on connections birthdays Send a Congrats message on connections work anniversaries Send a Congrats message when connections start new roles Endorse Skills for connections Send Direct Messages promoting your services/events monthly based on the strategy we create Your Teams Tasks: As part of the Inner Circle program, your team’s tasks are as follows: Create content as per the strategy created Check and respond to messages in your LinkedIn inbox daily Monday to Friday Specific tasks outlined weekly Attend to non-time specific tasks daily referred to as our “Daily Rituals” Attend or watch recordings of the group strategy sessions Attend a monthly Strategy Session with your success coach via Zoom Check for messages on your dedicated Trello board once per day Monday to Friday Credit Card*Card Details Cardholder Name Service Agreement Academy Subscription* Price: CAPTCHA Δ