Congratulations! You’ve welcomed your first new team member to your distributed team. How do you plan on onboarding them and welcoming them to your business, when you can’t start with a handshake? The onboarding process for your remote team members sets the tone for their entire experience with your business. That’s why you need a […]
You’re creating incredible content for LinkedIn, but is it reaching the right audience? You need to understand the ins and outs of LinkedIn’s algorithms to improve your content’s performance. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn prioritises professional engagement, and that’s how you can make the algorithms work for you. What is the LinkedIn algorithm? The […]
You’re on LinkedIn to find the best leads to pursue in the hopes of turning them into a customer. You’re on LinkedIn to build your network, establish your reputation, and grow your circle of influence. What’s one of the best ways to attract new leads? Lead magnets. Let’s discuss how LinkedIn lead magnets can help […]
Across LinkedIn, opportunities abound, and when it comes to deciding whether or not to invest in paid advertising, you may be unsure about the best approach. So, we’d like to share some of our best practices for enabling and supercharging your organic growth on LinkedIn. While paid ads may offer you immediate visibility, they come […]
LinkedIn is an indispensable tool for your networking and building your professional profile. With more than 1 billion members worldwide, standing out in the crowd can prove difficult. That’s why it’s so important to develop and maintain an optimised, effective LinkedIn presence. One way to achieve this is by conducting a thorough LinkedIn audit. In […]
Using LinkedIn’s abundance of data analytics to your advantage is an important part of your LinkedIn strategy. Understanding the rich data LinkedIn empowers you with, is just the start. As you move beyond understanding and towards absorbing actionable insights, LinkedIn Analytics gives you a powerful suite of tools. LinkedIn’s analytical tools help you understand your […]
You’re pouring so much energy into your LinkedIn lead generation efforts, but how do you know if it’s paying off? You need data and keen analysis to decide what you do next. In this article, we discuss how to measure what matters on LinkedIn. Measure what matters Here’s the good news: LinkedIn gives you excellent […]
LinkedIn proves to be an invaluable resource for anyone seeking to expand their professional network. With a staggering 930+ million users, it offers a splendid platform for forging connections with potential clients, partners, and industry thought leaders. Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn specializes solely in business-related content, encompassing the display of one’s experience and […]
In the realm of B2B marketing, LinkedIn reigns supreme as the ultimate social media platform. However, the methods of utilising it effectively have undergone significant transformations over the past couple of years. As a result, we’re delving into the world of LinkedIn engagement and exploring the best practices to optimise your presence in 2023. LinkedIn […]
Most people are now aware of the value of LinkedIn, especially as a powerful networking tool. Did you know the platform is currently offering a feature called Services Pages? Service pages are an extremely effective way to showcase your services or products, generate leads and attract more clients. They’re essentially dedicated landing pages that showcase […]
Most people have probably heard of the term “Lead Magnet” we will get into what they are if you don’t know shortly. Usually, a business will set them up on a website but do you have one on your LinkedIn profile? What are lead magnets? A lead magnet is defined as a free offer that’s […]
You don’t have to be very old to remember that there was a time when almost no business networking happened online. The social media phenomenon was in its infancy and was largely just that – social. Keeping up with friends and family, not making business connections. In fact, back then most business people would have […]
“A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” – Sundar Pichai, Entrepreneur We are living through very turbulent times, and it has undeniably taken a toll on the business arena. Businesses around the world are beginning to feel threatened as they have lost the wind from their “sales” so […]
Let’s face it – being your own boss is liberating. You create your own rules, hours, schedule, work ethics, vision and the path of success. But this flexibility and freedom does come with a cost – having to do so much work in so little time, especially when you have to micromanage yourself. While British […]
For anyone who has worked in a corporate setting, you must have been on the receiving end of the much dreaded “performance reviews”. We have all been through this or have had to facilitate these meetings. But the question of the hour is – are these reviews effective after all? According to some recent studies […]
“We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.” – Peter Drucker Given the global competition, the need for every organisation in this new year and decade is to innovate, adapt and update. This is true […]
Are you at the stage where your business is rapidly growing? How prepared are you for this growth? Have you drafted a concrete plan that can help you figure out what you must do at this critical stage? Now, business expansion can happen in two ways: as a result of voluntary efforts made by the […]
A growing business focuses on making improvements, discards unproductive or irrelevant ideas, adapts to the environment in which it operates – to maximise its profits and thrive among its competitors. Any business can grow during the first few years. As a business owner, you put in a lot of effort and research about the industry […]
What are the biggest bottlenecks you have encountered as a business owner so far? Too many processes? Your team failing to meet deadlines? Or is it angry customers? For many entrepreneurs in the initial stages of starting up there is one bottleneck more often than not: Ourselves. As we excitedly attempt to do every little […]
Being a business owner and a member of a family means that the line between professional and personal life is often blurred. More often than not, wouldn’t you agree?! So if we are living in a world always connected and very little balance (unless you’ve mastered it!), can there ever really be a balance? But […]
If you’ve ever wondered what people who’ve used your product/service really think about it, then chances are – prospective clients are wondering the same! It’s called review marketing. Client testimonials are not only necessary; they are an integral key aspect of any brand, especially if your business is web-based. WHY? If someone has stumbled […]
If you’ve noticed your engagement decreasing all of a sudden and your followers are dropping like flies, I’m sorry to report, maybe you have become a victim of the dreaded social media shadow ban. The shadow ban is now taking place across the big social media platforms including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. And if […]
BIG MISTAKE: Does this scenario sound similar to you? You’ve been on social media for a long time, pouring your time and energy into creating content that’s not really getting you “anything”. And by anything you mean sales, don’t you? There are a few big mistakes business owners make when it comes to social media […]
I can’t tell you how many people ask me – how do I find my message? While to some it might be easy to explain what their message, many (many) business owners struggle with this and are confused when it comes to their marketing message. When I ask business owners what they think it is, […]
Content … there’s a huge amount of it out there on the internet. Wouldn’t you agree? So how to do you stand out in the sea of words, videos, infographics, images and podcasts? Well, I’ve got a few tips for you. I’ve been running a LinkedIn Influencer challenge to my VIP list and one of […]
Social media, love it or loathe it, is one of the major ways we as business owners stand out there in a sea of competition. It helps people get to know us. It helps them understand who we are, what we do and why we get up in the mornings. It shows people how we […]
Ture or false? No matter how well your social media marketing campaign is going, there is always room for improvement. We can all do with some more shares, comments and likes when it comes to our social media accounts. Using one, two, 10 or all of these posts will guarantee you get more like, […]
FAST FACT: Social media users in Australia are some of the most active in the world. So wouldn’t you like a slice of that action?! If so, we’ve put together 29 social media tips to help you take your business to the next level this year. Jump on it. Choose one or all of them […]
If we want to succeed in the game of entrepreneurship, there’s one key thing we must learn: The Secrets of the Entrepreneur Mindset. We are born with unique gifts and talents. All of us have something special we can share with the world but often what inhibits our greatness is not having the appropriate Mindset […]